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Publications and Reports

Activity Report

ECoD NPO was established in December 2021 to prepare and implement the European Capital of Democracy initiative.

In accordance with the organisation’s purpose – to promote democratic governance, strengthen social cohesion by promoting and expanding democratic participation and awareness, and by strengthening established and new forms of democratic practice in Europe – numerous activities have been implemented, as shown in the Activity Reports below:

– ECoD NPO | Activity Report 2023, issued by CEO Stefan Sindelar
– ECoD NPO | Activity Report 2022, issued by CEO Stefan Sindelar

Compliance Report

Adherence to compliance guidelines and internal requirements is a management task and responsibility. The Compliance Officer’s task is to support the management, conduct risk analyses, draft a report once a year, and conduct in-person meetings with management twice a year. This report is the first of its kind and will serve as the basis for the compliance processes either to be installed or continued, under particular consideration of compliance relevant issues.

– ECoD NPO | Compliance Report 2022/23, issued by Compliance Officer Dunja Ganser


CoE Survey 2023 “Democracy = Peace (?)”
CoE Survey 2022 “State of Democracy”

Further information:


ECoD survey & IDEA democracy report: Participation as 4th branch of Government

ECoD NPO Stefan Sindelar presented the results of this year’s Citizens’ Jury survey “Democracy = Peace (?) at the Council …

Improving Democracy through Citizens’ Participation

Results of the ECoD Citizens’ Jury “State of Democracy” pilot survey In November 2022, ECoD founder Helfried Carl and Stefan …
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